Downtown Huntsville Night Light Trail

by: Sydney Kate Watson, DHI Communications Intern

There’s nothing quite like strolling through the streets of Downtown to enjoy the sights and sounds that our city has to offer. However, with the heat rising, there aren’t as many chances to enjoy those strolls. Well, have you considered evening strolls? There are plenty of awesome views to be had when the sun is down in Downtown. From The Color Walk to Big Spring Park, let us help you plan your Downtown Huntsville Night Light Trail!


The Clinton Row Color Walk

We start in the alley off of Clinton Avenue East: The Color Walk. The alleyway is filled with different colored spotlights throughout, highlighting the unique local artwork in a way you’ve never seen before. If you’ve been to the Color Walk already, please note that new art is added every so often to keep the alley fresh and interesting. The Color Walk celebrates the tremendous talent of Downtown Huntsville artists and makes for the perfect evening stroll. If you’re in love with this wonderful use of public space, check out our Secret Art Trail!

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Clinton Avenue String Lights

From the Color Walk, step out of the alley onto Clinton Avenue to view the Clinton Row string lights. On Friday and Saturday evenings, a portion of Clinton is closed to keep traffic out, making it the perfect time for a fun string light photoshoot! Every photoshoot deserves an exciting new outfit or accessory; the Shops at the Clinton Row Garage and the Clinton Row Shops are here for all your fashion needs!

200 West Side Square Lights

After dancing in the street, you can head south on Jefferson Street to reach West Side Square. Here you can see the colorful lights projected onto the 200 West Side Square building. These colorful lights are a Downtown Huntsville tradition and continually light up the square year after year with a pop of color!


Big Spring Grotto Lights

To travel from this pop of color to Big Spring Park East, you have two options. First, you could head south a little further on West Side Square and walk down the stairs to your right, or you can walk down a slope on Spring Street SW. If you can take the stairs, we recommend it since the stairs drop you off in the perfect position to witness the lights in the Big Spring Grotto. The Big Spring Grotto is a must-see for anyone visiting Downtown and a favorite of locals.

On your stroll from Big Spring Park East to West, you might think there is something missing from the east side of the park, the Christmas Trees! Downtown Huntsville’s Tinsel Trail is one of our favorite holiday traditions, and it’s closer to being Tinsel Trail time than you might think. We are so excited to announce that Christmas Trees for Tinsel Trail will go on sale this Sunday, August 1. So, while you stroll through Big Spring East, remember that Tinsel Trail is right around the corner!

Big Spring Park West

We end the stroll in Big Spring Park West with the lights under the Canal Bridge. These lights were added to the park earlier this year and make Big Spring Park West the perfect selfie destination. Bright blue, green, and purple lights shine down on the canal leading to Big Spring Park West and are a wonderful spot to play, rest, or pose. This new light feature is the perfect ending to our Downtown Huntsville Night Light Trail!

Downtown Huntsville is a magical place once the sun goes down. So, use this itinerary to explore the Rocket City Center like you never have before!